Michael Bosworth
Presenting "Front end development - JavaScript and jQuery"
Michael is a leader in the Iowa Drupal Users Group.
Michael is a senior software engineer at WebFilings, LLC
WebFilings is a privately‐held Los Altos, California and Ames, Iowa‐based company that offers the first and only end‐to‐end solution for external financial reporting. The company develops and markets a fully‐integrated, cloud‐based solution dedicated to meeting SEC reporting requirements. With WebFilings, reporting teams collaborate in real‐time on their financial reports from accounting close through SEC acceptance – including integrated EDGAR HTML conversion and XBRL mapping and tagging. As a result, WebFilings reduces the time, risk, and costs associated with the entire external reporting process.
Michael founded Balanced Scale Media, LLC
Balanced Scale Media, LLC is an open source web development company based out of central Iowa committed to creating affordable, professional websites for personal and commercial applications. BSM is primarily a Drupal shop building anything from brochure sites to applications.

Jarod Smith
Presenting "Features and Exportables: Code-Driven Development"
Jarod is the founder of DrupalHawks -
We are a collection of Drupal enthusiasts from Eastern Iowa. of all skill levels that meet on a regular basis to learn, share the things we've figured out, and spread the good word about Drupal. If that description matches you, we encourage you to join. Our meeting list can be found below. Here are some of the cities in our area; Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, West Liberty, Coralville, Dubuque, and Waterloo.
Jarod is a Web Application Specialist with National Cooperative Grocers Association
The National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA) is a business services cooperative for natural food co-ops located throughout the United States. NCGA helps unify natural food co-ops in order to optimize operational and marketing resources, strengthen purchasing power, and ultimately offer more value to natural food co-op owners and shoppers everywhere.
Jarod founded JMS Web Development.
JMS Web Development specializes in building websites using the content management system (CMS) Drupal. Drupal is a very popular CMS, its easy to setup, and it has an easy to use interface!, Procter&Gamble, Intel, and even the Grammy's are using Drupal. You can read more about the many features of this content management system.

Neil Drumm
Presenting "What's new in Drupal 7"
Neil Drumm (drumm) has been an active contributor to Drupal for over 7 years. He has attended every DrupalCon, often as a presenter. Besides contributing to many Drupal modules and other projects, Neil can be found working as:
Lead architect for, hired by the Drupal Association
Maintainer of
The (recently retired) Drupal 5 maintainer
A member of the Drupal Association General Assembly
A member of the Security team
Check out his community spotlight page for the full story.

John VanDyk
Presenting "Drupal Security"
John has been and continues to be an endless contributor to Drupal and the community. He is co-organizer of the Iowa Drupal Users Group.
John has committed code to more than 19 modules with over 540 commits.
John is coauthor of the first edition and sole author of the second edition of Pro Drupal Development. The book was recently updated for Drupal 7 in a third edition by Todd Tomlinson. Pro Drupal 7 Development updates the most popular development reference for the release of Drupal 7. With several new and completely-rewritten essential APIs and improvements in Drupal 7, this book will not only teach developers how to write modules ranging from simple to complex, but also how Drupal itself works.
John is systems analyst and adjunct assistant professor for the Iowa State University Department of Entomology.

Michael Hofmockel
Presenting Overview of Drupal Architecture and Requirements"
Michael has been an active member of the Drupal community for more than 6 years.
Michael founded the Ann Arbor Drupal Users Group in 2006
We are an open group of Drupal users in Ann Arbor, Michigan willing to freely share knowledge about Drupal.
Michael leads the Iowa Drupal Users Group (DrupalCorn) since 2008
We are an open group of Drupal users in Ames, Iowa willing to freely share knowledge about Drupal.
We meet the last Monday of every month from 7pm - 9pm usually followed by beers at a local watering hole.
Michael founded the Hofmockel Consulting Group in 2005.
Hofmockel Consulting Group builds custom web application for medium to large companies as well as academic applications that provide workflow from collection to analysis to data visualization. With 6 years of experience building Drupal sites, we are uniquely poised to handle the biggest most complicated projects.
Michael authors a blog about his Drupal findings at
Michael authors a blog titled "Rolling Down Hill and Accepting Happiness" -
The blog is more than just accounts of his life in Ames, Iowa. It is an account of his endless journey into enlightenment.